Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is Wellth?

I believe that we choose our family before we come to Earth; we choose the circumstances that will best allow us to become, as Neal Donald Walsch author of the Conversation With God books, says..."The Greatest Vision of the Grandest Version" we can hold for ourselves. Or is it the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision...whatever it is, it is what we are here doing.

As a spirit in the land of souls, we decide how best to set up our circumstances in our life (friends, family members, significant others and events) so that we can remember who we really are at our deepest intrinsic level. Every person that comes into our life is there for a reason. We have struck a deal with them to help us on our journey, a journey to enlightenment, a journey to personal prosperity, a journy to wellth.

I chose the perfect family to be born into, one that allowed me to begin discovering myself as soon as I came into this world. When the doctor brought me to my father after I was born, the doctor said with a hesitant look..."Here she is!" as he handed a screaming, red faced, defiant, tiny, 5 pound ball of fire to my father. My mouth was as big as my whole face and I instantly inherited the nickname 'Frog Face". My dad said I was "not pretty"...

I think I was born angry for many reasons, but in my opinion, one of the most significant reasons was because my mother had smoked and drank while she was pregnant with me (she told me this later out of guilt) and so when I finally got out of her toxic internal tomb, I was not a happy camper. This anger continued to develop throughout my life being triggered by various "perfect" circumstances and has stayed with me until my 40's when I began "waking up" to ME.

I also believe I was born a frightened child. I think I knew as I was traveling down the vaginal canal what I was getting myself into. At one week old, I was left in my cradle sleeping when my brother who was 9 years older than me, snuck up behind me and scared the heeby jeebies out of was not a good start for a one week old. No one came to my rescue and I just laid there screaming without any comfort. My brother continued to be the "Boogy Man" throughout my early years making me scared to go to sleep at night for fear I would be murdered and taken away.

I remember at 3, I was in the car traveling with my parents and my mother was smoking. I was angry and whining for her to open the windows for I couldn't breathe, I felt sick, and I hated it. She became frustrated and barely cracked the window. I was in the back suffocating, decreasing years off of my life.

These experiences, among others throughout my life, were the beginnings of my determination to be healthy and practice good wellness habits. These perfect experiences have been occuring in my life since I can remember and have been leading me to discover my highest self. My wellthy self.

So what is wellth?

This blog will be a place for myself and others to share the experiences of our lives that have made us who we are today, those experiences that are making us WELLTHY.

ALL OF YOUR EXPERIENCES, "good" and "bad" have been designed by you to have you discover "you". Not everyone is "AWAKE" to this personal process, but more and more people every day are awakening. I call this process, creating wellth, or discovering your personal wellthy prescription, WHO YOU ARE in your truest, highest self.

WELLTH is a pure state of authentic, intrinsic living; a state of complete divine connectedness to the energy source of life.

When you are in this state, you know it, you flow, everything is easy, your are healthy, you don't care what others think, you are plugged into the universal flow, time doesn't matter, PEACE is all there is, you are in your own PLACE OF PRESENCE.

Creating Wellth is a process of waking up to who you really are; it is becoming aware of your own ways of being so that you may take part in what you are here to do on this planet to contribute and make a difference. Through a personal prosperity process anyone can learn how to develop and live a life of passion, adventure and love. You can create your own wellthy prescription.

I look forward to continuing this journey with you. Each week I will write another step empowering you to unfold into your own wellth by creating a wellthy prescription.

After each post, I will invite you to share with others certain experiences or thoughts. Please feel free to add your posts. People learn so much from your experiences.

So please comment on how one event in your life has been perfect, even though at the time it didn't seem perfect, to bringing you to being and doing your passion. If you don't think you are experiencing your passions every day in your life, then comment on that.

Thank you so much, Meg Hanshaw; the Creator of Wellth

1 comment:

  1. Enlightening! Very enjoyable reading and I can't wait to see what is coming next, keep up the good work.
